Twins gay sex video

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Elijah hands him a couple but none of them will work. Well Hell-what are we waiting for?Elijah is busy doing homework when Alexander comes in looking for condoms. Elijah brightens Alexander’s day as he admits he too loves oral but prefers giving vs. A good mouth is hard to find specially one that can easily accommodate all he’s packin’. Alexander says hands down he loves getting his cock sucked most of all. We then asked these two what pleasure they enjoy best getting on their dicks. Maybe they should both be featured on a Hung Series of stamps. Elijah can’t think of anyone off hand, not even his identical twin brother. Alexander grins as he admits it wouldn’t be anyone in his family. Well, he’s definitely equipped for what we’re looking for…so who are WE to judge? lol We asked these two if there was anyone they admired enough to suggest they be featured on a postage stamp. Elijah is from Orlando, FL and apparently this tall, hung hottie turned 18 and hit the ground running. For those of you unfamiliar with Alexander, he’s become a definite fan favorite with that 20 year old boyish face and man-sized meat. ExtraBigDicks Video: Long Days Journey Into White, Alexander Greene is back this week on ExtraBigDicks and we’re always happy to have this hung Jersey boy in the house.

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