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We don't take responsibility for the content of these stories because we don't read them before they are published on our gay male tube. This user-generation fiction section contains stories of first time experiences described by individual authors. We take gay first time erotica seriously! Please contact us if you have questions or suggestions about these gay first time stories. Ah Me AlphaPorno AnalDin AnyGayPorn AnyPorn AnySex BoyFriendTV BravoTeens BravoTube CrocoTube DrTuber EmpFlix FetishPapa FlyFlv GayBingo Ga圜k GayGo GayHDMovies GotPorn HClips HD21. And if you enjoy our stories, you should consider checking our gay porn videos and gay porn pics as well. Consider leaving a vote and a comment when you enjoy these gay sex stories, as it's a way to show authors your appreciation of their hard work. Therefore, we kindly ask that you respect the writer's copyright and not repost the stories you like without their consent. Any short story or novel you can read here is the creation of an individual author. With an extensive collection of gay first time experiences described by authors from imagination or reality, our story library is completely at your disposal, free to read and download. GayDemon Story Library has been online since 1999 and is currently a topmost destination for reading the best gay erotica first time stories.